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Грант на путешествие для писателей

Объявлен международный конкурс, в котором можно выиграть грант на путешествие по Балканам. Дедлайн 21 марта 2017 года.

Организаторы: World Nomads.

Вы хотите стать писателем, описывающим свои путешествия?

Отточите свои умения рассказывать истории, учитесь у профессионалов и отправляйтесь в реальную жизнь на Балканы.

Невзирая на проторенную для туристов европейскую тропу, юго-восточные направления: Хорватия, Македония, Албания, Черногория, Сербия, Босния и Герцеговина, Косово – это наслаждение для искателей приключений и энтузиастов культуры. Волшебство гор находится не только в чудесных пейзажах, но и в гостеприимных людях и их глубокой связи с местными традициями.

World Nomads ищут трех рассказчиков, готовых путешествовать по этому региону и писать о природных достопримечательностях и культурных открытиях, которые они найдут по пути.

Для того, чтобы участвовать в конкурсе вам нужно выполнить три условия:

Наша официальная группа Вконтакте: https://vk.com/vsekonkursyru, наш телеграмм

  1. Напишите свою историю путешествия, связанную с одной из следующих тем: “Знакомясь с местными”, “Вне моей зоны комфорта”, “Место, которое я никогда не забуду”.
  2. Расскажите, какие две страны в Балканском регионе вы хотите посетить во время своего путешествия.
  3. Расскажите, почему организаторы должны выбрать именно вас, что будет значить для вас победа в конкурсе. Объем – не более 1500 знаков.

По каким критериям будут оценивать судьи:

  • Хороший описательный язык (без чрезмерной пышности)
  • Хорошо структурированное повествование и точный взгляд на детали
  • Возможность раскрыть великую историю путешествий и рассказать ее убедительно
  • Отличная орфография и грамматика, умение избегать клише

Конкурс открыт для участников из всех стран, но вы должны хорошо владеть английским. Для участия не требуется сертификат знания английского языка.

Еще конкурсы:  Конкурс молодых художников "Вернисаж Музея Победы"


  • Три победителя посетят трехдневный семинар в Черногории, который проведёт журналист Нью Йорк Таймс Тим Невил. Затем они отправятся в путешествие, про которое должны будут написать.
  • Организаторы оплачивают транспортные расходы, дают 1000 евро на 10 дней на Балканах, а также экипируют путешественников.

Участвовать: https://www.worldnomads.com/learn/travel-writing/scholarship/2017/

3 комментария для “Грант на путешествие для писателей”

  1. красюк нинель

    Two my biggest and most exciting travels to the edge of the world

    Thanks yo a lucky chance that i am a member of nin-profiable women’s organisationi n Belarus I did two mosy exciting travels in my life.
    It was like dream, being non commercial we applied for the international world conference in Thailand, we prepared a thourough report with figures and pictures and there we were, we won!
    AWID said “Yes!” to our application.
    Via German Frankfurt we were leaving for Bangkok.
    It was the time when a new rule on all kinds of liquid were forbidden to be taken on board. Poor girls, with tears in eyes, they parrted with their perfume. which was help the not only to look as beautiful flowers but also to smell these|!
    Through the glass partiton we watche our airbur smoothly anchoring the passage for travellers.
    Shining with snow white body painted with signs and figures the high riser envited us onboard. And we streamed there into to be seated in await for taking off. From the doorway we could hardly see the end of the plane. Soon the steawadess began demonstrating safety equipment in case of the plane crash.
    With sweets in hands. we suddenly heard the captain’s voice. It sounded as if he was telling us a funny joke. He greeted us on board and said that there was a small problem with the engine, a leak of kerosine. He asked us to wait a little while the crew was trying to repair it.
    But anyway we were told to leave the plane.
    We stayed in the airport for quite long but we took of and bound to Asia.
    On the back of the front seat we could see the route with twolines – red and blue , the route planned and ours. All lights were out and w we were flying.
    Deep in the night I wqnted to WC. I got off my seat and stood sitill. All around me, there were orange heads hardly visiible in the darkness. The heads were enormously big with glassy eyes and long trunks. I thought I got into hell, and it took me time to realize that people were seriously thinking and preparing for a crash. I looked at the screen …Dear me, below there brown peaks of mountains and the height of about 12 000…
    We safely landed ,were detained at the face control, but we were let to enter Thailand.
    Some regular , not loud but very rhryhmic noise , endless surrounded us..
    When we went out we understod it was rain. Imagine a shower, thick, strong, powerfull, it was it… But we were quiet now, it was rain and nothing but the rain.
    The morning in Bangkok begins very eary nut seemed touse funny. Sun rays tell you Good morning, and then comes a gray day, you feel the damp and strong heat…
    The conference united 2000 women from all over the world.Nice illustrion on geography lesson. All smiling, happy in the national attires, talking their mother tongues. But the tranlsators from their booths helped in communing. Luxurious hotel “Shangra-La” perhaps didn’t understand the women’s problems. almost very similar in all corners ofthe Earth… In the breaks women took pictures,sang and even some danced!
    My friend and me wanted to see the arounds and the back side of the hotel. All the street was in doors of small shops with the same teas and cooffes, some nice bottles and same faces… Shop assistans were smiling happily at seeing us, showing us the goods and speaking in funny English…She angrily shouted at him.
    We entered a small shop and going from counter to counter found ourselvesin another street. Agraif of being lost, we went back.
    The final day came and finished in great concert which surprised us.On the stage stood a beautiful goddess in a beutiful dress, she was singing in a low nice voice. The slowly she took off a blouse, then a skirt, then a wig and turned into a handsome man who started a new song.
    We lived in another hotel and traveled by boat along a river, which was busy day and night. Women speaking one language grouped and always discussed the topics after the plenary meetings.When parting all shared adrreses and information on further conferences. Our final travel along the river we could clearly see the small huts of thje poor and the rich cottages with piers for big boats ,with green trees and flowers.
    The conference continued in Mexico. THis country was familiar from the books. All was like avivid alive iluustration for famous sories. When we landed in seemedthat we were falling right into the bay
    Funny lloked the gardens with cactuses instead of appples trees, with cacti everywhere- from ens to drinks and dried, and salty like pickles surprising was the architecture.Small houses stood on he roof on the one below and wentup and up…
    When we came home we happily breathed our home air which seemeddo clean and sweet and smelled home
    As for me I wrote a few essays which were published in local papers
    and shared my impresssions my travels.

  2. красюк нинель

    красюк нинель
    Март 31st, 2017

    Two my biggest and most exciting travels to the edge of the world

    Thanks yo a lucky chance that i am a member of nin-profiable women’s organisationi n Belarus I did two mosy exciting travels in my life.
    It was like dream, being non commercial we applied for the international world conference in Thailand, we prepared a thourough report with figures and pictures and there we were, we won!
    AWID said «Yes!» to our application.
    Via German Frankfurt we were leaving for Bangkok.
    It was the time when a new rule on all kinds of liquid were forbidden to be taken on board. Poor girls, with tears in eyes, they parrted with their perfume. which was help the not only to look as beautiful flowers but also to smell these|!
    Through the glass partiton we watche our airbur smoothly anchoring the passage for travellers.
    Shining with snow white body painted with signs and figures the high riser envited us onboard. And we streamed there into to be seated in await for taking off. From the doorway we could hardly see the end of the plane. Soon the steawadess began demonstrating safety equipment in case of the plane crash.
    With sweets in hands. we suddenly heard the captain’s voice. It sounded as if he was telling us a funny joke. He greeted us on board and said that there was a small problem with the engine, a leak of kerosine. He asked us to wait a little while the crew was trying to repair it.
    But anyway we were told to leave the plane.
    We stayed in the airport for quite long but we took of and bound to Asia.
    On the back of the front seat we could see the route with twolines — red and blue , the route planned and ours. All lights were out and w we were flying.
    Deep in the night I wqnted to WC. I got off my seat and stood sitill. All around me, there were orange heads hardly visiible in the darkness. The heads were enormously big with glassy eyes and long trunks. I thought I got into hell, and it took me time to realize that people were seriously thinking and preparing for a crash. I looked at the screen …Dear me, below there brown peaks of mountains and the height of about 12 000…
    We safely landed ,were detained at the face control, but we were let to enter Thailand.
    Some regular , not loud but very rhryhmic noise , endless surrounded us..
    When we went out we understod it was rain. Imagine a shower, thick, strong, powerfull, it was it… But we were quiet now, it was rain and nothing but the rain.
    The morning in Bangkok begins very eary nut seemed touse funny. Sun rays tell you Good morning, and then comes a gray day, you feel the damp and strong heat…
    The conference united 2000 women from all over the world.Nice illustrion on geography lesson. All smiling, happy in the national attires, talking their mother tongues. But the tranlsators from their booths helped in communing. Luxurious hotel «Shangra-La» perhaps didn’t understand the women’s problems. almost very similar in all corners ofthe Earth… In the breaks women took pictures,sang and even some danced!
    My friend and me wanted to see the arounds and the back side of the hotel. All the street was in doors of small shops with the same teas and cooffes, some nice bottles and same faces… Shop assistans were smiling happily at seeing us, showing us the goods and speaking in funny English…She angrily shouted at him.
    We entered a small shop and going from counter to counter found ourselvesin another street. Agraif of being lost, we went back.
    The final day came and finished in great concert which surprised us.On the stage stood a beautiful goddess in a beutiful dress, she was singing in a low nice voice. The slowly she took off a blouse, then a skirt, then a wig and turned into a handsome man who started a new song.
    We lived in another hotel and traveled by boat along a river, which was busy day and night. Women speaking one language grouped and always discussed the topics after the plenary meetings.When parting all shared adrreses and information on further conferences. Our final travel along the river we could clearly see the small huts of thje poor and the rich cottages with piers for big boats ,with green trees and flowers.
    The conference continued in Mexico. THis country was familiar from the books. All was like avivid alive iluustration for famous sories. When we landed in seemedthat we were falling right into the bay
    Funny lloked the gardens with cactuses instead of appples trees, with cacti everywhere- from ens to drinks and dried, and salty like pickles surprising was the architecture.Small houses stood on he roof on the one below and wentup and up…
    When we came home we happily breathed our home air which seemeddo clean and sweet and smelled home
    As for me I wrote a few essays which were published in local papers
    and shared my impresssions my travels.


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